About - Stem Cell Therapy For Pelvic Pain
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About Us

R3 Stem Cell is at the forefront of regenerative medicine, which includes stem cell therapy for pelvic pain. Numerous research studies are showing the benefits of this procedures for various conditions causing pelvic pain, such as pudendal neuralgia, scar tissue interstitial cystitis, endometriosis and others.


Our mission is to provide maximum benefit to patients with safe minimally invasive procedures that offer repair and regeneration potential. Our goal has been and is to change the paradigm of how medical conditions are treated. Instead of offering conventional treatments that simply provide a “band-aid” such as narcotics, the goal is to offer a long term option that not only is effective for relief, but actually changes the condition for the better!


Richard Demir, MD, is the Medical Director at Desert Women’s Care, which is an R3 Stem Cell Center of Excellence. In addition to being an Award Winning gynecologist for his compassion and expertise, Dr. Demir has published over 30 peer reviewed publications. He is an expert in minimally invasive procedures for helping relieve pelvic pain. Each patient receives individualized care, which often involves regenerative procedures in conjunction with traditional ones.


Dr. Demir has his own Wikipedia entry and is a member of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists and the Society of Elite Laparoscopic Surgeons.

Wouldn’t it be great if tissue injuries could be repaired without surgery, giving you the ability to do things that you want to do, like play with your kids again, go hiking, swimming, ride a bike, and be… Pain Free!